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Welcome to Sarcal's Designs

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The Full Story

Hello there current reader, I am Sarcal, a small time self appointed, and self taught artist. I am currently pursuing my career into the tattoo field, as i fight and claw through this apprenticeship, i hope you all join me for the adventure.I picked up a pencil as of recently and restarted my journey, before now it was high school, i was that kid that doodled all over my tests, but i never saw myself going anywhere further than that, not until now, I have a deep seated love for the darker side of art, and a lot of my projects tend to be on the NSFW side. I sincerely hope you stick around for the ride, as i share my frequent artworks, and allow you all an inside look into my process.


If you are interested in commissions, be sure to flip on over to my commissions statement, and submit to my contact form.



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Thanks for your interest in Sarcal's Designs. For more information on commissions and etc. feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon!

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When purchasing from me i have a couple ground rules.

1. I get the rights to your photos, i wish to post these as i please, or use them as future sample sheets for someone who may need examples. I will be allowed to post them on whatever social media i please, and in doing so your name will always be attached somewhere. (so you get a mini advertisement here and there)

2. If you post your artwork on social media, whether as a reveal for your new items, or just in general, i just want a shoutout, i.e: Art done by SarcalAsphyxia! see? simple, nothing fancy, and i do not mean everytime the picture pops up, if you post a link and say your twitch photo is something i drew, you don't have to then, i just mean if you post the photos directly lets not get crazy about it now.

3. I have the right to refuse service to you, if you are being an ass, or making me uncomfortable, i will tell you no, so be kind..

4. No Bashing! if you receive art from me, then it has been finalized, you have gone through all the correction phases, you have approved it! do not go and slander my name over silly things, there is a final check before you receive the files, so if you do this, you're just being a dick.


All prices listed are the normal non bulk, nonpackaged prices, i run monthly specials, so be sure to ask, and buying in bulk earns deals

Emojis : $10 each, or you can get a 3 pack for $25, if you want something that requires a huge amount of detail, the price will go up according to the detail! [you will get 1 image that is 400x400, and then i will provide you with 1 of each size allowable by twitch, 28x28, 56x56, and 112x112] Twitch

Panels: $15 each, or a 4 pack for $50, same concept, if you want super details, and all these extra designs, prices go up, [dimensions will vary based on the design we choose]

Chibi simplistic Character Design: $25 [600x600] Cartoon Shaded and highlighted Character: $40 [600x600]

Hyper realism cartoon: $70 (comic book style) [tends to be less fitting for an avatar, but i included anyway] [800x800] (This one is not digital! it is a bristol board sheet, that gets shipped to you.)

Overhead Banner: Refer to the panel section, the price is the same. [Dimensions will vary based on what site you are using them for]

Mind you these are all digital, i do also have bristol board and copic markers that i do designs with, but the prices vary on those, based on the size, details, design, shipping... so on and so forth.


Once an order has been started, theres is a rough draft phase, you do not pay before this, i do this for a reason. I do not want someone finding out that i cant give them what they want, so you will receive a rough sketch, once this sketch is approved payment process starts. You pay half your order price up front, you have till the morning of your order completion date to pay the other half. I hate to do this, but the first half is nonrefundable, if you decide in the middle of an order after i have already started, that you dont want it, the first half will not be returned. This is your warning. You can pay in full at the start of the order after the rough draft phase, but once again if you cancel, you only get half back.

2 more phases are included in the order process, theres a middle check phase where i show you the progress, before completion, this is where you can tell me if theres anything you want changed, or give me the go ahead to continue. Then finally the approval phase! This is your last checkpoint before receiving your order, you get a watermarked image of your order to review, if you like it, and everything is good, full payment has been received, then the files are yours, and we get to go about our happy lives with another job well done.

By Reading this, and the giving me the follow up message, you have agreed to everything stated here. Include the phrase "LittleImp" in your message so i know you read, and that is your agreement to services. Please PLEASE! Read it all, i know theres a lot, but it is all important.

Emoji Sample Sheet

Emoji Sampler

I have a small love for the dark and silly, and even when things are meant to be cute, it will always seem to translate into my work.

Banner Sample Sheet.png

Panel Sampler

For my twitch streamers or page hosters.


Logo Example

Logo i did for an up and coming gaming community.


Bristol Sheet

Done on 9x12 bristol sheet, using my pens, copic markers, and glazed with colored pencils, this is my most frequently ordered, when hand drawn items like these are purchased you get the original drawing shipped to you, and it can be nearly any design you so choose. If i am unable to do what you ask, i will tell you.

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Just a gallery for everyone to scroll through full of more examples of my work, ranging from earlier stuff to now, digital and traditional.

skull emojio.png
Sample Ass Emoji Sheet.png
RPg sample sheet emojis.png
avatar photo2.png
hype imp.png
pyramid head female.jpg
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